Monday, June 2, 2008

cegah satwa punah - Komunitas Badak Terancam Punah

Dirjen Pelestarian Hutan dan Konversasi Alam Departemen Kehutanan Ir Koes Sapardjadi menyatakan harimau Jawa dan Bali sejak tahun 1980 telah punah sedang satwa lainnya seperti Badak Jawa Badak Sumatra dan Orang Hutan juga sudah terancam punah. Jenis satwa harimau Jawa dan Bali memang sudah Post from Kampanye Cegah Satwa Punah Komunitas Badak Terancam Punah...
[ continue - harimau ]

Another new posts below:

  1. muarhahahahhahahahahhaaha
    aduh so tired i slept the whole day yest. dint even wake up for dinner and slept all the way till morning. muar was sooo fun. hehe. P tenkiu cherries and brandon. pics in random order hikaru why u so happie ar? hahahahahaa u so farrrrrrr nie. eh eh. melaka wor. hehe. we stop by melaka before we head back to KL P go to melaka for what? P hehe FOR THIS FOR THIS FOR THIS FOR THIS FOR THIS WTF. sudah 9 bulan i mengidam eat this chendol. yum yum yum gula melaka for the win laa...
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  2. Roaring My Way to Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging.
    With all the pollution in the world today from water to air to ground and noise it's not wonder we are losing more and more species of flora and fauna. Even in Malaysia many animals are losing their homes and foodsource even their lives to over logging and poaching. Poor badak and orang utan. Sang harimau also takut d. By the end of this century not that long in the future. We celebrated the new millenium just a short while ago and poof it's now 2008 we humans may have advanced by lea...
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  3. Designer Homes For Your Precious Pooch
    Blog In many houses pets are an extension of the family and people sometimes go out of their way to ensure that they get the best for their pets. Dogs are a popular choice for many who wish to own a pet. Some smaller breed of dogs are quite domesticated and enjoy being in human company especially children. They often make do with a small basket placed in one corner of the house or may even like to sleep in the childrens bedrooms. However in some cases where the dogs are bigger not well tra...
    [ continue - harimau ]

  4. Harimau Harimau
    About Tigers. paw Our Tigers. Tigers Panthera tigris are largest and most powerful of the living cats. The Indian subcontinent is home to more than 80 of wild tigers. Their historical range severely diminished today ran through...
    [ continue - harimau ]

  5. The Sequel UK 1986 1988
    The Sequel UK 1986 1988 Phewthe last one week had been crazy and I think I need to apologise to some of you who might have hopped by every now and then hoping to catch up with the sequel. So sorry guys I also celebrated my BIG 4 birthday on Wednesday but I'll have to say that it wasn't much of a celebration. WORK got in the way I even had to cancel my birthday lunch with Ayah as I couldn't even spare a measly one hour to eat with him! But Ayah made a point to finish his cli...
    [ continue - harimau ]

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